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10.02.2025 09:18:32
Devil Square: Error: Turn On JavaScript
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author: ExpSonik, 17.10.2024 06:40
author: Sunok, 11.03.2024 05:34
author: Sunok, 28.09.2023 15:20
author: CagucT, 01.06.2023 22:22
author: Sunok, 26.04.2023 14:09
OriginalMuOnline has a system of sequential quests, with which you can diversify the gameplay and at the same time get various prizes for completing quests. In order to start the quest, you need to talk to the NPC Guard, which is located in all cities. In this message you will see which monsters you need to kill and which map they are on. After you kill all the required monsters, return to the NPC Guard and talk to him. If all the conditions of the quest are met, he will give you a reward. To start the next quest, talk to the NPC Guard again. you can check the quest with the command /questinfo
Quest Number Number Kill Name Monster Map Award
1 100 Spiders Lorencia Zen
2 50 Burge Dragon Lorencia 8 Heart of love
3 150 Bull Fighter Lorencia 10 Jewel of Chaos
4 200 Lich Lorencia 2 Star of secret birth
5 250 Skeleton Lorencia 3 Jewel of Soul
6 150 Hell Hound Lorencia 3 Box of Kundun+2
7 350 Stone Golems Noria 10 Jewel of Life
8 400 Lich Lorencia 2 Star of Secret Birth
9 1500 Giant Lorencia 2 Box of Kundun+5
10 500 Elite Yeti Davias 3 Dinorant
11 200 Ice Queen Davias 5 Box ofKundun+2
12 800 Lich Lorencia 2 Star of Secret Birth
13 500 Bali Lorencia Mace of The King
14 500 Bali Lorencia Kundub Staff
15 500 Bali Lorencia Giant Bow
16 1000 Lich Lorencia 2 Star of secret birth
17 300 Shadow (Losttower1) Lorencia 3 Invisibility Cloak
18 4 Golden Taikan(+2) Davias 3 Devil Invitation
19 3 Golden Dragon(+3) Lorencia UP 350 lvl
20 1500 Lich Lorencia 2 Star of secret birth
21 200 Cyclops Dungeon 5 Jewel of Bless
22 300 Dark King Dungeon 7 Jewel of Soul
23 400 Curset Wizard Losttower 8 Jewel of Creation
24 2000 Lich Lorencia 2 Star of secret birth
25 1500 Death King Losttower[1-7] 10 Jewel of Bless
26 1500 Death Gordon Losttower[1-7] 10 Jewel of Soul
27 50 Spirit Knight Losttower[1-7] 3 Box ofKundun+2
28 3000 Lich Lorencia 2 Star of secret birth
29 1000 Mutants Tarkan 10 Jewel of Life
30 1100 Bloody Wolf Tarkan 10 Jewel of Chaos
31 1200 Iron Wheel Tarkan 10 jewel of bless
32 3500 Lich Lorencia 2 Star of secret birth
33 1250 Vim Knight Tarkan 10 jewel of soul
34 1300 Tantallos Tarkan 10 jewel of creation
35 1350 Death Vim Knight Tarkan 3 box +3
36 50 Zaikan Tarkan 3 box+4
37 4000 Lich Lorencia 2 Star of sacred birth
38 1400 Brass Warrior Tarkan 3 box +5
39 1600 Plate Warrior Tarkan 100 milion zen
40 1800 Red Dragon Warrior tarkan 200 milion zen
41 2000 Black Dragon Warrior Tarkan 300 milion zen
42 2200 Sphinix Warrior Tarkan 400 milion zen
43 4500 LiCh Lorencia 2 Star of secret birth
44 2400 Phoenix Knight Tarkan 500 milion zen
45 2600 Guardian Elf Tarkan 600 milion zen
46 2800 Soul Master Tarkan 700 milion zen
47 3000 Metal Balrog Icarus 800 milion zen
48 3200 Alquamos Icarus 900 milion
49 5000 Lich Lorencia 2 Star of sacred birth
50 3400 Queen Rainer Icarus 10 jewel of bless
51 3600 Mega Crust Icarus 10 jewel of Soul
52 3800 Phantom Knight Icarus 10 Jewel of Life
53 4000 Drakan Icarus 5 Box+2
54 4200 Alpha Crust Icarus 10 Jewel of Creation
55 5500 Lich Lorencia 2 Star of sacred birth
56 4400 Giant Drakan Icarus 5 box+2
57 1000 Dark Phoenix Icarus 5 box+2
58 1000 Dark Phoenix Stadium 5 box+3
59 4600 Bad Iron Knight Stadium 5 Box+4
60 4800 Chaos Castle Warrior Stadium 5 box+5
61 6000 Lich Lorencia 2 Star of sacred birth
62 5000 Chaos Castle Archer Stadium 1 bilion zen
63 5200 Chaos Castle Wizzard Stadium 1,1 bilion zen
64 5400d Wolf Stadium 1,2 bilion zen
65 5600 Balram Stadium 1,3 bilion zen
66 5800 Princess Tiara Stadium 1,4 bilion zen
67 6500 Lich Lorencia 2 Star of Sacred Birth
68 6000 Fire Golem Stadium 1,5 bilion zen
69 6200 Poison Golem Stadium 10 Jewel Of Bless
70 6400 WareWolf Stadium 10 Jewel Of Soul
71 6600 JellyFish Stadium 10 Jewel Of Life
72 6800 KUNDUN Stadium 10 Jewel Of Chaos
73 7000 LiCh Lorencia 2 Star of Sacred Birth
74 7000 Octopus Stadium 10 Jewel Of Creation
75 7200 Amphibius Stadium 7 Box of kunudn +2
76 100 Storm Master OriginalBoss 7 Box of kundun +2
77 100 Reeding Warrior OriginalBoss 7 Box of kundun +3
78 100 Blue Scorpion OriginalBoss 7 Box of kundun +4
79 7500 Lich OriginalBoss Star of Sacred Birth
80 100 Lighting Scorpion OriginalBoss 7 Box of kundun +5
81 100 Small Giant Lava OriginalBoss 1.6 bilion zen
82 100 OriginalGM OriginalBoss 1.8 bilion zen
83 100 Original small boss OriginalBoss 2.0 bilion zen
84 1 Originalboss OriginalBoss 1 box of kundun +1