Devil Square: Error: Turn On JavaScript
Blood Castle: Error: Turn On JavaScript
Chaos Castle: Error: Turn On JavaScript
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14.03.2025 16:13:24Devil Square: Error: Turn On JavaScript
Blood Castle: Error: Turn On JavaScript
Chaos Castle: Error: Turn On JavaScript

# | character | reset | G.Reset |
1 | KOKOC | 300 | 0 |
2 | 2Pac | 173 | 0 |
3 | Busyaka | 169 | 0 |
4 | HYDRA | 168 | 0 |
5 | Penelopa | 166 | 0 |

OriginalMuOnline has a system of sequential quests, with which you can diversify the gameplay and at the same time get various prizes for completing quests.
In order to start the quest, you need to talk to the NPC Guard, which is located in all cities.
In this message you will see which monsters you need to kill and which map they are on.
After you kill all the required monsters, return to the NPC Guard and talk to him. If all the conditions of the quest are met, he will give you a reward.
To start the next quest, talk to the NPC Guard again.
you can check the quest with the command /questinfo
Quest Number | Number Kill | Name Monster | Map | Award |
1 | 100 | Spiders | Lorencia | Zen |
2 | 50 | Burge Dragon | Lorencia | 8 Heart of love |
3 | 150 | Bull Fighter | Lorencia | 10 Jewel of Chaos |
4 | 200 | Lich | Lorencia | 2 Star of secret birth |
5 | 250 | Skeleton | Lorencia | 3 Jewel of Soul |
6 | 150 | Hell Hound | Lorencia | 3 Box of Kundun+2 |
7 | 350 | Stone Golems | Noria | 10 Jewel of Life |
8 | 400 | Lich | Lorencia | 2 Star of Secret Birth |
9 | 1500 | Giant | Lorencia | 2 Box of Kundun+5 |
10 | 500 | Elite Yeti | Davias | 3 Dinorant |
11 | 200 | Ice Queen | Davias | 5 Box ofKundun+2 |
12 | 800 | Lich | Lorencia | 2 Star of Secret Birth |
13 | 500 | Bali | Lorencia | Mace of The King |
14 | 500 | Bali | Lorencia | Kundub Staff |
15 | 500 | Bali | Lorencia | Giant Bow |
16 | 1000 | Lich | Lorencia | 2 Star of secret birth |
17 | 300 | Shadow (Losttower1) | Lorencia | 3 Invisibility Cloak |
18 | 4 | Golden Taikan(+2) | Davias | 3 Devil Invitation |
19 | 3 | Golden Dragon(+3) | Lorencia | UP 350 lvl |
20 | 1500 | Lich | Lorencia | 2 Star of secret birth |
21 | 200 | Cyclops | Dungeon | 5 Jewel of Bless |
22 | 300 | Dark King | Dungeon | 7 Jewel of Soul |
23 | 400 | Curset Wizard | Losttower | 8 Jewel of Creation |
24 | 2000 | Lich | Lorencia | 2 Star of secret birth |
25 | 1500 | Death King | Losttower[1-7] | 10 Jewel of Bless |
26 | 1500 | Death Gordon | Losttower[1-7] | 10 Jewel of Soul |
27 | 50 | Spirit Knight | Losttower[1-7] | 3 Box ofKundun+2 |
28 | 3000 | Lich | Lorencia | 2 Star of secret birth |
29 | 1000 | Mutants | Tarkan | 10 Jewel of Life |
30 | 1100 | Bloody Wolf | Tarkan | 10 Jewel of Chaos |
31 | 1200 | Iron Wheel | Tarkan | 10 jewel of bless |
32 | 3500 | Lich | Lorencia | 2 Star of secret birth |
33 | 1250 | Vim Knight | Tarkan | 10 jewel of soul |
34 | 1300 | Tantallos | Tarkan | 10 jewel of creation |
35 | 1350 | Death Vim Knight | Tarkan | 3 box +3 |
36 | 50 | Zaikan | Tarkan | 3 box+4 |
37 | 4000 | Lich | Lorencia | 2 Star of sacred birth |
38 | 1400 | Brass Warrior | Tarkan | 3 box +5 |
39 | 1600 | Plate Warrior | Tarkan | 100 milion zen |
40 | 1800 | Red Dragon Warrior | tarkan | 200 milion zen |
41 | 2000 | Black Dragon Warrior | Tarkan | 300 milion zen |
42 | 2200 | Sphinix Warrior | Tarkan | 400 milion zen |
43 | 4500 | LiCh | Lorencia | 2 Star of secret birth |
44 | 2400 | Phoenix Knight | Tarkan | 500 milion zen |
45 | 2600 | Guardian Elf | Tarkan | 600 milion zen |
46 | 2800 | Soul Master | Tarkan | 700 milion zen |
47 | 3000 | Metal Balrog | Icarus | 800 milion zen |
48 | 3200 | Alquamos | Icarus | 900 milion |
49 | 5000 | Lich | Lorencia | 2 Star of sacred birth |
50 | 3400 | Queen Rainer | Icarus | 10 jewel of bless |
51 | 3600 | Mega Crust | Icarus | 10 jewel of Soul |
52 | 3800 | Phantom Knight | Icarus | 10 Jewel of Life |
53 | 4000 | Drakan | Icarus | 5 Box+2 |
54 | 4200 | Alpha Crust | Icarus | 10 Jewel of Creation |
55 | 5500 | Lich | Lorencia | 2 Star of sacred birth |
56 | 4400 | Giant Drakan | Icarus | 5 box+2 |
57 | 1000 | Dark Phoenix | Icarus | 5 box+2 |
58 | 1000 | Dark Phoenix | Stadium | 5 box+3 |
59 | 4600 | Bad Iron Knight | Stadium | 5 Box+4 |
60 | 4800 | Chaos Castle Warrior | Stadium | 5 box+5 |
61 | 6000 | Lich | Lorencia | 2 Star of sacred birth |
62 | 5000 | Chaos Castle Archer | Stadium | 1 bilion zen |
63 | 5200 | Chaos Castle Wizzard | Stadium | 1,1 bilion zen |
64 | 5400d | Wolf | Stadium | 1,2 bilion zen |
65 | 5600 | Balram | Stadium | 1,3 bilion zen |
66 | 5800 | Princess Tiara | Stadium | 1,4 bilion zen |
67 | 6500 | Lich | Lorencia | 2 Star of Sacred Birth |
68 | 6000 | Fire Golem | Stadium | 1,5 bilion zen |
69 | 6200 | Poison Golem | Stadium | 10 Jewel Of Bless |
70 | 6400 | WareWolf | Stadium | 10 Jewel Of Soul |
71 | 6600 | JellyFish | Stadium | 10 Jewel Of Life |
72 | 6800 | KUNDUN | Stadium | 10 Jewel Of Chaos |
73 | 7000 | LiCh | Lorencia | 2 Star of Sacred Birth |
74 | 7000 | Octopus | Stadium | 10 Jewel Of Creation |
75 | 7200 | Amphibius | Stadium | 7 Box of kunudn +2 |
76 | 100 | Storm Master | OriginalBoss | 7 Box of kundun +2 |
77 | 100 | Reeding Warrior | OriginalBoss | 7 Box of kundun +3 |
78 | 100 | Blue Scorpion | OriginalBoss | 7 Box of kundun +4 |
79 | 7500 | Lich | OriginalBoss | Star of Sacred Birth |
80 | 100 | Lighting Scorpion | OriginalBoss | 7 Box of kundun +5 |
81 | 100 | Small Giant Lava | OriginalBoss | 1.6 bilion zen |
82 | 100 | OriginalGM | OriginalBoss | 1.8 bilion zen |
83 | 100 | Original small boss | OriginalBoss | 2.0 bilion zen |
84 | 1 | Originalboss | OriginalBoss | 1 box of kundun +1 |