Devil Square: Error: Turn On JavaScript
Blood Castle: Error: Turn On JavaScript
Chaos Castle: Error: Turn On JavaScript
server time
15.03.2025 02:39:07Devil Square: Error: Turn On JavaScript
Blood Castle: Error: Turn On JavaScript
Chaos Castle: Error: Turn On JavaScript

# | character | reset | G.Reset |
1 | KOKOC | 300 | 0 |
2 | 2Pac | 174 | 0 |
3 | Busyaka | 170 | 0 |
4 | HYDRA | 168 | 0 |
5 | Penelopa | 167 | 0 |

Server started
Сервер включено 🔥
Опис нового сервера Original mu: Experience 10% 🤘 Drop 40 % Points reset =250💪 Drop jewel уменшено Вітаю вас на хард сервері😎 Всім гарної гри ! Евент відбудеться так як пише в новині на сайті ! Збір в лоренсії! English: The server is on 🔥 Description of the new Original mu server: Experience 10% 🤘 Drop 40% Points reset = 250💪 Drop jewel reduced I welcome you to the hard server😎 Enjoy the game everyone! The event will take place as written in the news on the website! Gathering in Lorencia category: News | author: KoT2 | date: 21:05:12 05.10.2024
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